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The capability of digital advertising to target specific audiences and devices based on identifiable or aggregated user data.

Alternative IDs

These are unique identifiers used as alternatives to traditional cookies for tracking user behavior and preferences across platforms without relying on personal data.


Pertaining to or involving groups of users aggregated based on shared characteristics or behaviors, typically used for analysis or targeting without identifying individuals directly.


Relating to processes that are precisely predictable and will always result in the same outcome, given the same initial conditions.

Device Graph

A data structure that maps the relationships between multiple devices used by the same individual, aiding in understanding user behavior across different platforms.

IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers)

A unique identifier used on Apple devices to allow developers and marketers to track user interactions with ads across different applications, without revealing personal information.


A symbol or a set of symbols used to uniquely recognize or represent a particular entity in a specific context.


The distinct characteristics or data points that together form a unique profile of an individual, organization, or entity in digital or real-world environments.

Identity Bridging

The process of linking different identifiers and data points across various platforms and devices to create a unified view of an individual’s identity.

Identity Graph

A complex data structure that integrates multiple identifiers associated with the same individual to provide a comprehensive understanding of their interactions across various channels.

Identity Resolution

The method of analyzing and matching disparate data points to accurately identify and link them to the same individual across different datasets or platforms.

Identity Spine

A foundational dataset or structure that centralizes and connects all identifiers related to an individual, enabling consistent identity recognition across different systems.


Able to operate in conjunction with different systems or products without special effort from the user, ensuring compatibility and exchangeability across platforms.


Based on the theory of probability, referring to processes that incorporate randomness and can predict outcomes with a certain degree of likelihood rather than certainty.

Technographic Data

Information that describes the technical aspects and characteristics of devices, software, or systems used by individuals or organizations, often used to segment and target audiences more effectively.